Nordic Lawyers Academy Circa 2004-2008
In 2004 The Nordic Bar Associations joined forces with the Nordic Lawyers Academy to coordinate and organize advanced training for Nordic lawyers.
The first result of this new partnership was a one-day conference in Copenhagen October 26, entitled "How to make a business out of mediation-What's in it for you?".
Later that year a two day conference was held entitled "Corporate Governance Status, Perspective and Practical Implications". The conference took place in Copenhagen on 12-13 November 2004 with experts in the field from Europe and the United States.
This was the Nordic Lawyers Academy website for a number of years.
Content is from the site's 2004-2006 archived pages.
A cooperation about legal education between the Bar and Law Societies
in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
Nordic Lawyers Academy
Henrik Rothe, Secretary General, Denmark
Markku Ylönen, Secretary General, Finland
Ingimar Ingason, Secretary General, Iceland
Anne Ramberg, Secretary General, Sweden
Merete Smith, Secretary General, Norway
High level education for lawyers
For the moment we experience that in all the Nordic countries lawyers specialize in order to meet the market demand for counselling at a very high level.
This will initiate new demands to the in-service training establishments, which the Nordic Bar and Law Societies in different set ups offer to their members.
In all the Nordic countries a broad range of courses are presented, but we must admit that on national level it may be difficult to offer relevant courses, seminars and conferences to those lawyers who are highly specialized and therefore make major demands on the in-service training activities which could be relevant.
In the single country itself we simply do not have enough potential customers in order to develop and offer in-service training on a proper financial level, even though the subject in question relates to a field, in which many lawyers do business. A good example is company law, within which quite a large number of lawyers work, but company law is at the same time an example of a special field for highly qualified lawyers to solve particularly difficult cases. Also on the national level it has been hard to attract the international competencies, who would be obvious first speaker and lecturers for this group of lawyers, and for whom it would also be interesting for the participants to establish a personal contact.
Therefore, The Bar and Law Societies in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden have decided to join forces to establish a quite new forum for in-service training of lawyers on a very high level – Nordic Lawyers Academy.
In this new forum we offer seminars, conferences and courses twice a year – but more often, should this initiative turn out successfully - mainly addressed at business lawyers who cannot cover their need for relevant in-service training through the existing national in-service training programmes.
Typically courses, seminars and conferences in Nordic Lawyers Academy will last a couple of days and take place in one of the Nordic capitals.
On the preparation of the in-service training activities in Nordic Lawyers Academy the highly professional qualification is no doubt the most central aspect. On the work out of the draft we have, however, also focused on the possibilities for networking among the participants from the Nordic countries. Therefore we have incorporated social elements in all the arrangements, which should make networking possible.
Under "Archive" in the menu you can read about the conferences that have taken place. New events will always appear from the frontpage.
We are very proud to present a list of top professional lecturers from Europe as well as from the USA. We do hope that the participation in this conference will be a must for the Nordic lawyers, who deal with company law problems at a high level.
Target group
The conference is aimed at attorneys and lawyers in the Nordic countries, however, other persons especially interested in the topics of the conference are also welcome to attend. In case of overbooking attorneys who are members of the Nordic Bar and Law Societies will take precedence over other persons.
If you want to register for the conference, please go to the registration area.
Archive of Programs
24.- 25.04.2008
Internasjonal skatterett
3.- 6.04.2008
Drift av Advokatvirksomhed i Norden
Nordic Employment Law
23.-27. 08 2006
Drift af Advokatvirksomheder i Norden
Challenges in Nordic cartels
Familie- og arverettskurs
Insolvente selskaper - praktisk restrukturering
Drift av advokatvirksomhet
Corporate Governance
How to make a business out of Mediation
2004 Program
Corporate Governance
Status - Perspectives and Practical Implications Conference
12 – 13 November 2004
Building of the Society of Danish Engineers, IDA,
31-33 Kalvebod Brygge, DK-1780 Copenhagen K
Friday 12 November |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
09.00 |
Registration, coffee |
09.30 |
Introduction |
Professor Jan Schans Christensen, member of the High Level Group of Company Experts |
09.45 |
The US Experience – Sarbanes-Oxley and its aftermath |
Professor Ronald Gilson, Columbia and Stanford Law Schools |
10.45 |
Coffee break |
11.00 |
EU Perspectives on corporate governance – where are we heading? |
Professor Jaap Winter, Chairman of the High Level Group of Company Law Experts |
12.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 |
The UK Approach – experiences with the Combined Code
Professor Paul Davies, London School of Economics & Political Science |
14.30 |
Codes and company law reforms in Germany |
Professor Ulrich Noack, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf |
15.30 |
Coffee break |
16.30 |
Experiences with corporate governance from a |
Mads Řvlisen, Chairman of the board and former CEO of Novo Nordisk A/S |
20.00 |
Dinner |
Saturday 13 November |
09.45 |
An investor's perspective on corporate governance |
Dorrit Vanglo, Vice President, LD Pensions |
10.15 |
The Nordic experience so far
Rolf Skog, Honorary Professor, Ĺrhus Business School |
11.15 |
Coffee break |
11.30 |
Corporate social responsibility – an issue in real life? |
Juha Kurkinen, Chairman of Oy Rastor AB and former general counsel to Cultor Oy |
12.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 |
Legal risk management
Jon Iversen, Attorney of law, Bech-Bruun-Dragsted, Brussels |
14.30 |
Corporate governance from a legal advisor's perspective |
Professor Jan Schans Christensen, member of the High Level Group of Company Experts |
15.30 |
Panel discussion |
All speakers present |
16.30 |
Closing |
Moderator: Professor Jan Schans Christensen
"When my fiancée was a budding lawyer, I visited her in Copenhagen while she attended a two-day conference organized by the Nordic Bar Associations and the Nordic Lawyers Academy in 2003. The connections she made there eventually led to a fantastic job offer which she accepted. This job enabled us to marry and settle down in Copenhagen. Every November, we celebrate her fortunate involvement in that Corporate Governance Conference and everything that has come from it. Recently, I was in the US supporting my younger sister who was trying a new program focused on enhancing mental well-being through golf, particularly women's golf, which is known for its therapeutic benefits. The program emphasizes mastering the details of the game and choosing the right ladies golf sets, which shifts the focus from everyday stress to achieving rewarding outcomes in the sport. My interest in mental well-being and public health began when I met my future wife. She worked as an assistant attorney in Manhattan, often dealing with cases that showed the stressful impacts of high-pressure careers. When we moved to Denmark for her career, I started my doctorate in public health. Before long, I was researching the effectiveness of sports as a therapeutic activity. Unlike some traditional stress relief programs that focus purely on physical health, this new approach to women’s golf not only promotes physical fitness but also mental clarity and strategic thinking. This holistic approach seemed to resonate with my sister, who had struggled with traditional stress management programs that did not suit her needs. The golf program offered her a chance to set her own pace and goals, empowering her with the choice to shape her path to well-being." Robert Redmond
VENUE 2004
IDA Conference Centre
The Corporate Governance Conference will take place in the conference centre of the Society of Danish Engineers (IDA), 31-33 Kalvebod Brygge, DK-1780 Copenhagen K.
IDA is experienced in hosting a number of small and large conferences, both Danish and international and engineer related events as well as non-engineer conferences such as this.
The building is situated at the waterfront with a spectacular view of the harbour.
2006 Program
Corporate Governance
Status - Perspectives and Practical Implications Conference
12 – 13 November 2004
Building of the Society of Danish Engineers, IDA,
31-33 Kalvebod Brygge, DK-1780 Copenhagen K
Friday 12 November |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
09.00 |
Registration, coffee |
09.30 |
Introduction |
Professor Jan Schans Christensen, member of the High Level Group of Company Experts |
09.45 |
The US Experience – Sarbanes-Oxley and its aftermath |
Professor Ronald Gilson, Columbia and Stanford Law Schools |
10.45 |
Coffee break |
11.00 |
EU Perspectives on corporate governance – where are we heading? |
Professor Jaap Winter, Chairman of the High Level Group of Company Law Experts |
12.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 |
The UK Approach – experiences with the Combined Code
Professor Paul Davies, London School of Economics & Political Science |
14.30 |
Codes and company law reforms in Germany |
Professor Ulrich Noack, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf |
15.30 |
Coffee break |
16.30 |
Experiences with corporate governance from a |
Mads Řvlisen, Chairman of the board and former CEO of Novo Nordisk A/S |
20.00 |
Dinner |
Saturday 13 November |
09.45 |
An investor's perspective on corporate governance |
Dorrit Vanglo, Vice President, LD Pensions |
10.15 |
The Nordic experience so far
Rolf Skog, Honorary Professor, Ĺrhus Business School |
11.15 |
Coffee break |
11.30 |
Corporate social responsibility – an issue in real life? |
Juha Kurkinen, Chairman of Oy Rastor AB and former general counsel to Cultor Oy |
12.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 |
Legal risk management
Jon Iversen, Attorney of law, Bech-Bruun-Dragsted, Brussels |
14.30 |
Corporate governance from a legal advisor's perspective |
Professor Jan Schans Christensen, member of the High Level Group of Company Experts |
15.30 |
Panel discussion |
All speakers present |
16.30 |
Closing |
Moderator: Professor Jan Schans Christensen